Is Being A Christian Disappointing?


Welcome to Following Jesus. Now prepare to be disappointed. This is probably the best introduction you could ever give to someone who's interested in what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus. For many years, the church has been guilty of saying things like All that matters is you believe in the story. You say a prayer. It's all good.You're going to heaven. The call to follow Jesus is extremely challenging. When Jesus walked the Earth, he asked his followers to leave their jobs, abandoned their own personal agendas or ideologies, and devote everything about themselves to his teaching and his way of life. He said that the gateway to this life is very narrow and the road is difficult and only a few ever find it. And that's not to discourage us. It's just to have the proper expectations about entering into this relationship. Indeed, we come as we are, and it starts with belief. But to be a true follower of Jesus, it will take all you have, challenge everything you believe and will be the most difficult thing you'll ever do. And the reward is new life.